A Solution of Increasing infected Adults대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:04:49

This year, half of the people who have measles are in the 20s. The total number of infected adults is almost 64, and the number of infected infants is four. Also, 73 percent of the people who are infected by hepatitis A are in the 30s and 40s. As the years go by, the number of adults who are infected by contagions is increasing. Thus, the importance of adult immunization hits upon a bright idea of this serious situation. 

▲ Adults vaccination is very important

Vaccination is injecting attenuated pathogenic organism to human body artificially to prevent many diseases. In other words, there are many advantages of immunization. First, when we receive an inoculation, it promotes our immune system’s vitalization, and our body produces an antibody. So, it prevents and minimizes the acquisition of diseases. Second, we can avoid paying lots of hospital bills. When we get an illness, we go to the hospital and pay medical bills. However, if we have an inoculation, we cannot be infected by contagious, so we do not need to go to the hospital and pay hospital bills. Third, vaccination is more cost-effective in the long term and minimizes complications when our immune system becomes weak.

▲ Eight kinds of immunizations which adults should receive

According to an interview from a professor of the division of infectious diseases in Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Eun Jung Joo, she emphasized the importance of adult immunization. She said that when we do not have an inoculation, our medical bills increase, and an illness disrupts our economic activity and spreads to other people. It gives damages and harms economically and socially. Finally, she said that adult immunization is important and necessary to save our health.

There are a lot of pros of adult immunization such as preventing and minimizing the diseases, and it is more cost-effective in the long term. Therefore, why not we have an inoculation to protect our health?


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