Artemis Program, New Universe to Show대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:40:36

The universe is extremely mysterious. The more we know it the more it gets stranger and the more we become curious about it. So the universe is a profound quest for scientists and a mysterious object for all of us. It is NASA who has been responsible for space research for 60 years and who has led the exploration mission. They are preparing for the next giant leap forward with the Artemis program, as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of their first month's landing.

▲ NASA who has been responsible for space research

Artemis is named after the twin sister of Apollo, the goddess of the Moon and hunting. It also means that we will realize all our efforts to send humans back to the Moon. Through the Artemis program, NASA said it would show someone else walking on the moon. In addition, Artemis is sure to illuminate the way to Mars.

▲ picture of Moon and Mars taken by NASA

Prior to the unveiling of the new Artemis program 'Identity', NASA said, "It embodies the determination of men and women to carry out our mission." They will explore the Moon's previously uninvited region, unravel the secrets of the universe and test the technology to further expand the realm of mankind into the solar system. Using "A" as basic information from Earth to the Moon, they will explore a new path through Artemis, pursue lunar exploration, and find something special about Mars which is close to Earth.

▲ imagined apperance of universe

The universe is a mystery left for the scientists and all of us. Until now, there have been various attempts to solve the mysteries, and there will be afterward as well. The Artemis program will surely help the team of NASA and all the other scientists find out the secrets of the universe, especially the Moon and the planets close to us.


by Lee Hyowon


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