Let‘s Fight With Stress!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-14 14:43:57

What happens to the human body when it feels stressed?

▲ Let` think! You are standing in front of an large audience.

Let's think of an important presentation in front of a large audience.
The moment you stand in front of people to make a presentation and look at them in the face, the presenter will experience a great deal of stress.

Making a presentation in front of many people in itself does not cause physical harm, but the body automatically gets nervous because it thinks it is a psychological threat.

▲ Fight-or-flight response in our body

The automatic appearance in the face of such an imminent threat is called a ‘fight-or-flight response’.
This increases the heart rate and blood pressure, activates sweat from your hands, makes the breath fast, and strain your muscles. These reactions physically prepare you to solve the problem against threatening stress situations.

So, how should we deal with stress?

First, have a healthy eating habit. Eat foods that contain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and eat food slowly. Don't eat less alcohol, caffeine, salty or sweet things, or instant or fast food.

Second, get enough sleep. In case of lack of sleep, it is recommended to sleep for six to eight hours, as concentration and memory decrease along with extreme fatigue and stress hormones increase.

Third, breathe to empty your mind and concentrate.
4-7-8 breathing has the effect of relieving stress and tension.
4-7-8 Breathing
1. Close your mouth and breathe in slowly through your nose for 4 seconds.
2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
3. And breathe out slowly, counting for 8 seconds.

Now you can win the fight against stress!


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