An Artificial Heart Transplant Patient Survived for More Than 1,000 Days대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-21 15:01:34

▲ Samsung Medical Center

The 76 years old patient who was transplanted an artificial heart reaches 1,000 days. In South Korea, it was the first time for the patient who was transplanted an artificial organ to survive for so long. The patient was transplanted the third generation LVAD, and now, the patient is in good health. The second generation LVAD has also succeeded in South Korea seven years ago. According to a professor, it is important to cooperate between doctors and guardian to maintain the patient's condition.

LVAD is the mechanical equipment which helps blood circulation instead of the heart. It has been used for patients who have to wait for the impossible heart donation or heart transplant is impossible. In South Korea, the third generation newest LVAD has imported. At first, the artificial organ transplant was just for the life extension and be used to remain steady. However, as the cases in succeeding artificial organ transplant have been increasing, the transplant is now used for seniors.

▲ Heart Transplantation

The heart transplantation has been conducted since 1967. In the republic of South Africa, a 56-year-old myocardial infarction patient was the first person that was transplanted a heart. After, the USA and other countries attempted the heart transplant operation. In South Korea, the first heart transplant operation was conducted in 1992. Also, the artificial organ transplantation was first studied in 1965. In 1982, the USA doctor, Devries, first succeeded in transplanting an artificial heart, and the patient survived for 12 days. However, for now, the artificial organ was LVAD, not the implantable artificial heart.

▲ LVAD helps patient`s blood circulation

To succeed in artificial transplant surgery, various treatments are important. Thus, to succeed in transplanting implantable artificial heart, we should develop many treatments to provide against emergencies.

August 17th, 2019
by Zhang Eugene


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