기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-22 17:18:39

▲ Logo of Tetra Pak

Nowadays, we can easily see Tetra Pak in our daily life. Tetra Pak is a new type of packaging which is made of paper. It is called a tetrahedron paper pack. The package is in tetrahedron shape, so its name is tetra pak. It receives attention because it is a material that can replace plastic and glass bottles, and it is eco-friendly. Moreover, it costs less money when producing and distributing products.

In the 1940s, people want to invent a material that can replace plastic and glass bottles. It is because glass bottles need hight production and distribution costs, and they lack materials because of World War ll. Also, glass bottles can be easily broken. In 1951, Erik Wallenberg and Ruben Rausing made tetra pak that costs less production cost and distribution cost.

▲ Example of the tetra pak

However, how can a paper pack preserve the liquid? Why its paper does not get wet? The reason why liquid does not escape from the paper is its coating technology uses polyurethane. Developing plastic coating paper with polyurethane made us possible to use it as packaging. That is why we can easily see tetra pak in our daily lives.

Tetra Pak is made of paper, polyurethane, and aluminum foil. So, it has an advantage that it is light. It is lighter than glass bottles. Moreover, it can replace the role of plastic and glass bottles. It is because it costs less money when producing and distributing products.

▲ Example of the tetra pak

Nowadays, we use tetra paks in our daily lives. Tetra Pak has many advantages. It is light, and it costs less money when producing and distributing products. Also, it cannot be easily broken. It also receives attention because it is eco-friendly. How about taking an interest in Tetra Pak?

August 17th, 2019

by Hyeonjeong Lim


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