The Effectiveness of Using Juries in a Trial대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-02 17:21:56

The history of the jury system is profound, as it was used in England in the 12th century by Henry II. Since then, the jury system has been implemented in many countries around the world. One of the most famous countries in implementing the jury system in the US. Jurors in the US are often selected randomly, as it is clearly expressed in the Jury Selection Act. What are the roles of the jury in the court, and why are they used in the trial?

The first reason is that juries are right most of the time. According to the report published by the Ministry of Justice, they do not make any judgment based on a bias, and overall they fail to reach verdicts in less than ten percent of the cases.

▲ The juries in Korea reach verdicts in more than 90 percent of the cases.

Secondly, juries are the most democratic groups in the constitution. They have the freshness and insights when judging the case. They are not case-hardened or cynical. Moreover, they are able to seek and find out the miscarriages caused by other parts of the system such as the police, judges, prosecution and others who have the power to see the truth, eventually making the rational judgment in the trial.

▲ If someone is choosed by the pre-jury, he or she gets the letter that let him/her know the tips for this process.

Lastly, opinions of what society thinks about the crime can be greatly reflected in the judgment of the trial. Therefore, the irrationality in the current law system and the punishment based on the articles in the law could be excluded or weakened.

Although juries are not well informed about the law, it is well known that they tend to make more rational and sometimes better judgment than professionals connected to the law makes. Therefore, the jury system should be promoted throughout the world.

August 24th, 2019

by Jung Minsu


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