The Worsening Protests in Hong Kong 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-02 17:45:43

Hong Kong protests have been going on for months, sparked by the opposition to the criminal extradition bill, which started in March this year. Hong Kong protesters continue their downtown demonstrations and solidarity strikes in a voluntary and sometimes in creative ways. A few days ago, a sit-in at Hong Kong International Airport temporarily paralyzed the airport tasks.

The protests began when the Hong Kong government introduced a bill enabling the extradition of criminals to mainland China. The repatriation bill is feared to undermine Hong Kong's freedom and can be used against democratic activists. The protests have connected into anti-Chinese, leading to protesters denied all involvements in mainland China. The protesters are now demanding autonomy from China as well as the legislation.

▲ Many citizens of Hong Kong gathered together for the demonstration.

▲ The police are violently overpowering the citizens.

Amid the intense situation, student leaders at Hong Kong's major universities revealed that they were threatened by the gunmen for the reason that they continue to support the protests and other threats to kill their families. Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported that they held a news conference to disclose the threats they received from the gunmen in connection with the protests. Pangkaho, a student council official at Hong Kong University, claimed in a news conference that a few days ago, a threatening message was posted on his Instagram account saying that the man would kill his family if he continued to cause problems. Pangkaho added that his family received a threatening call from the unidentified man on the night of the 15th. Similarly, Leung Siuwig, vice president of Hong Kong Baptist University's student council, said on Friday that a threatening message was posted on his Facebook account, telling him to think twice before supporting the protests.

▲ Students threatened to kill are speaking at a news conference.

As the protests continued to escalate, major newspapers in Hong Kong began posting advertisements against Hong Kong protests on August 15. In Hong Kong, major media outlets even advertised the phrase, "Hong Kong has had enough." The advertisement says that Hong Kong citizens should stop sitting idly and holding onto illegal activities.


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