Rising Dream Job for Kids in 21st Century대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-02 17:54:00

▲ Youtube - the birthplace of thousands of Youtubers

Actor. Astronaut. Musician

These “were” one of the top dream jobs children wanted to have. Now, in the year 2019, a new dream job is making its way to the top. That is Youtuber. 

Youtuber is someone who gained popularity through their videos on Youtube. Once they reach a significant amount of subscribers and a significant amount of watch time, they earn profits by accepting advertisements from various companies or getting a lot of views.

So what’s the craze about Youtube among children? It’s all about the thrill - not only they can earn millions from posting videos on Youtube, but also the video platform itself is a place made solely for creativity. You are free to share your interests or hobbies, whether it’s a ten-second video or a 30 minutes video. People who are genuinely interested in what you do will subscribe to you. Once you’ve gained enough subscribers and views, you are ready to be in the spotlight. The key thing is that there is no limit set on Youtube. Just by sharing what they are passionate about to the public, anyone can become a star.

One of the most famous YouTuber right now is a child Youtuber, RyanToyReview. Ryan started to post videos on Youtube to share his love for toys and to make reviews about the toys he bought. His contents caught the eyes of kids and parents, which led to a now whopping amount of 22 million subscribers on Youtube.

Since RyanToyReview provided evidence that children can be successful in Youtube, Youtube fever among kids has been spreading all over the world. The craze has spread to Korea as well. It is not hard to find a Korean child YouTuber. In early 2019, a kid Youtuber named 띠예(pronounced Ddi-Ye) went viral for quite a long time when she first posted an ASMR video of her eating sea grapes. The video got over 14 million views in less than a year.

Youtube may help children foster their imagination by letting them create their content to show the public. However, the world of Youtube is a double-edged sword, especially for kids. Youtube is exposed to everyone around the world. While there are people who support the YouTubers, there are also quite a lot of people who are willing to ruin someone’s day. The biggest factor contributing to Youtuber’s mental health issue is malicious comments. People will pick on anything they can see - starting with appearance, voice, or even worse, their personal life. Malicious comments are affecting adult Youtubers negatively - imagine what kind of damage they cause to kid Youtubers. On the bright side, however, Youtube recently disabled the comment section on videos featuring minors, meaning that there is less possibility of children being exposed to predatory comments.

There is no doubt that Youtuber is rising and unique job for children. However, life as a kid Youtuber may not be as ideal as people think it is. What’s your thought about child Youtuber?


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