Brain Computer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-11 15:45:53

Nowadays, many people use electronics related to the computer, smartphone, or any special devices. By developing new technologies in computers, many new computers appear in our lives. The example is our smartphone which is an excellent invention among our humanity. Then, we are studying new processing of computers. it is a neural computer which is the sixth generation of computer. It is not a familiar word, but it develops artificial intelligence and our world.

▲ It is the example of the Central Processing Unit.

First of all, computer structure is divided into three sections: Central Processing Unit, Memory, Input, and Output. The Central Processing Unit is what we called CPU, and it is divided into four parts which are Fetch, Decode, Execute, and Write-Back. However, it is just a fundamental structure, so it does not use in a commercial environment. Memory also consists of the main memory unit and auxiliary memory unit. Finally, the input and output are the keyboards, the monitor, the speaker, the printing machine, or even more.

▲ It is the first generation of computer. It looks really big.

Second, by studying neural computer, the ages of computer are divided into five generations. The first generation is the tube which is a vacuum tube. It is really big, but it is not useful to use for the computer. The second generation is the transistor. It is faster than the tube, and it makes people use the computer. The third generation is integrated circulate, and it enables to multiprocessing. The fourth generation is the Large-Scale Integration which is the advance of Micro Processor. The fifth-generation is Ultra Large-Scale integration which appears artificial intelligence.

The next generation is a neural computer. It uses the devices which are similar to neural cells. neural is

the part of the brain cells, so it is a very unique material in our body. The neural cell is slower than the other, but the combination of it makes it calculate faster. For these principles, many experts study the use of a computer. Lee Ji Su, who is the KAUST president of supercomputer center, says, "Neural computer can work in time, so it is not comparing with other computers. We still look it until reaching Neuromorphic Supremacy."

▲ This picture means that neural computer makes brain complicated.

In conclusion, our computer technology is still developing while we are working. Also, other countries like the United States of America or Europe is studying about it hard, so we start to study it. Then, our country will make more advanced country comparing with other countries.

Sep. 7th, 2019

by Park Yoon-Hyeok


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