Scent for Pets대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-11 15:47:30

Today, the perspective about pets is changed, so the number of people who live with pets are increasing. Therefore, we can easily see many goods for pets around us. However, we cannot easily see perfume for pets. Edenique launched perfume exclusively for pets which is harmless to the pets with three types of scents: lavender, lilac, and apple mango.

▲ A perfume for pets

Edenique launched a perfume with three types of scent such as lavender, lilac, and apple mango. These three types of scents were selected through preference research from pets. Also, it is a harmless perfume that people can spray directly on the body of their pets. They also tried hard to make a perfume for pets which is harmless to pets and people, and both are satisfied with it.

▲ A representative of Edenique, a perfume company

Kim On-yoo, the representative of a perfume company which name is Edenique, said that animals have a scent that they like. They have a preferable scent, and they feel different about the scent. The thing that is harmful to human is also harmful to pets, so they tried hard to develop goods for pets without discrimination. She also said that they are going to develop goods for the taste of both pets and people.

▲ A perfume for pets

Nowadays, there are many people who live with pets, so we can easily see many different goods for pets around us. However, there are a few goods for pets' taste. Most goods are commonly focused on people's tastes, although they are for pets. That is why Edenique launched perfume with three types of scent for pets and also not harmful to people. They also talked about their prospect that they will make goods for both pets and people.

September 7th, 2019

By Lim Hyeonjeong


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