The Diseases that Students Should Be Careful of대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-11 15:53:38

During the change of seasons, it is easy to catch a cold for many people. Moreover, infants and children who have a weak immune system are especially easier to catch a cold than adults. Also, adolescents who often spend time outside or sit behind a desk all day are susceptible to get diseases. So, there are diseases that students should remember and be aware of so that they would know how to prevent themselves from these diseases.

▲ A Symptom of Respiratory Disease(

First of all, children like infants and students in lower grades should watch out from respiratory diseases.

It is because they are prone to these diseases due to their weak level of immunity. They are likely taken with diseases such as pharyngitis, pneumonia, and bronchitis. These diseases are afflicted with nasal discharge and cough. Typically, these diseases occur between December and April when there is a lot of fine dust. Also, legionella bacteria from the air conditioner can cause pneumonia during summertime. There are many simple prevention ways for these diseases. The simple things such as the washing of hands after going out, keeping the cleanliness of the teeth, regulation of body temperature, and getting a protective inoculation can be very helpful for the health.

Furthermore, adolescents like middle school students and high school students can have a variety of diseases. For example, middle and high school boys who have time to exercise and do outside activities are prone to physical fracture. Also, as students advance through school, the time to sit behind the desk and study is increasing. Because of it, students get a lot of stress, and this can be connected to the hemorrhoids. To prevent these situations, they should refrain from doing rough activities and need to moderate their exercise.

All students should be concerned about their health and try to prevent themselves from getting diseases. Doing some prevention ways is helpful for them to enjoy having a healthy life.

▲ Happy Children with No Diseases(

Sep. 7th, 2019

by Son Chae Yun


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