Social Media대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-07 10:19:33

Nowadays, people around the world use Social Media a lot. Through it, people can share their own interests, photos, emotions, and hobbies.

▲ It is a graph of Social Media users. Social Media users are increasing now.

First, efforts to support Social Media via computer-mediated communication were made with ARPANET, LISTSERV, and BBS, and it has a long history. Then, it took off in the 1990s. It became popular because of the world wide web service. However, it became a hit after 2000. Friendster became popular in 2002, Myspace became popular in 2003, and Facebook became popular in 2004. Nowadays, Facebook is the most popular among Social Media.

Next, there are many Social Media and its users. There are Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Naver Band, Tumblr, Flickr, KaKao Story, and many more. Among teenagers, the percentage of Facebook users is 23.1 percent and 26.7 percent for Instagram. Also for people in their twenties, the percentage of Facebook users is 28.5 percent and 38 percent for Instagram. Both teenagers and twenties use Instagram more than Facebook.

▲ Logos of Social Media like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of using Social Media. First, users can get a lot of information. Next, they can share their daily life and can be closer to other Social Media users. However, their personal information will be exposed, and there are a lot of hacking problems, too. Also, if you use Social Media a lot, you can become addicted or it can be harmful to your health.

People use Social Media a lot because they can share their daily life stories, and they can get a lot of information through it. However, you should be aware of the effect of overusing Social Media such as hacking problems, exposure of personal information and addiction.


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