The Dark and Bright Side of YouTube Kids대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-02 15:22:24

▲ six-year old Boram`s YouTube channel

19,119,905 subscribers and four hundred million views. These are the circumstances of six-year-old Boram's YouTube channel. She posts videos about eating, playing, and all her daily activities in life. Then, how could these subscribers and views happen and why is YouTube Kids a hot potato nowadays?

When we go to a restaurant, we can easily see babies. In the past, babies often cried loudly that their parents should stop having a meal and take care of them. However, this situation has decreased a lot nowadays. This is because parents show their children YouTube channels. Once a video starts, every single child becomes silent. This means that YouTube is becoming necessary, and especially YouTube Kids channels are now a part of meals.

▲ YouTube Kids

Even though there are some merits of YouTube Kids, people are focusing on the dark side of it. A twin sister YouTube Kids channel became an issue. They posted a video about eating ten kilograms of octopus, and people started to worry about the possibility of child abuse. In reality, even though children are the only ones shown in the video, all the parts of writing scenarios and taking videos might be the parents' job. To gain more money, parents might order their children to react bigger, do ridiculous things, and do other things. Ordering things that children do not want can be a form of child abuse. Therefore, many people are criticizing Youtube Kids. On the other hand, some are focusing on the bright side of it. In a survey about elementary school students' future dream, YouTuber is the fifth most popular dream. Like this, a lot of children dream to be a YouTuber, and Youtube Kids can be an opportunity for children to prepare for their future. Children should just get the necessary assistance from their parents.

▲ six-year old twin sister YouTuber is eating a ten kilogram octopus

The generation of YouTube users has expanded a lot that people from babies to seniors became the target of the YouTube market. However, as the influence of YouTube became bigger, we should pay attention to its flaws, too. For it to have healthy cultural contents, YouTube Kids is also the part we all should focus on.

September 28th, 2019

by Yang Ye Won


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