We need to save our Planet, our Home 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-22 12:32:27

Where does every human being live?

▲ This is the Earth where we live.

Yes, we all live on a very special planet called Earth.

Since we all live on Earth, we can say that the Earth is our home.

If the Earth is our home, then why are we destroying it?

Up until now, we have been destroying a lot of the Earth’s environment.

This is a very big problem because we are destroying our home.

We need to save our planet, our home, now.

Some may ask, “Why should we save the Earth?”

The obvious answer is we live on the Earth, so we should do everything in our power to save it.

If the Earth’s environmental problems get any worse, we may all become extinct.

▲ When the Earth`s ozone layer is destroying, UV rays come to us directly.

All of the gases we put into the air is destroying the Earth’s ozone layer, which protects all life from harmful UV rays. These UV rays can cause serious problems such as skin cancer and other skin diseases. 

The gases are also creating a greenhouse effect, which means that heat is being trapped within our atmosphere and it causes the Earth to get warmer.

This is causing the ice in the North Pole to melt, which is resulting in rising sea levels.

Another way we hurting the Earth is by wasting water. 

▲ Many countries are having problems because of a lack of fresh water.

How many times have we seen children in Africa drinking dirty water while we just wastewater without a second thought?

We just keep thinking that we will always have fresh water, but that is not the case.

If we continue in this thoughtless way, we will be the same people we see on TV drinking dirty water.

What can we do to not only save the Earth, but ourselves?

▲ Controlling air conditioner`s temperature properly.

First, let’s reduce the amount of energy we use by using our air conditioners less, and other electronic products as well.

▲ Riding bike instead of using bus.

Second, we should try to take public transportation when possible, or just ride a bicycle or walk when possible.

In this way, we can reduce CO2 emissions and save our ozone and lower the number of greenhouse gases.

▲ Using cup when you brush your teeth.

Third, let’s use the amount of water absolutely necessary for our needs.

We can do this by taking shorter showers, and turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth.

Just doing these few things can help the Earth in so many ways.

Let’s all do our part and save this wonderful planet of ours.

If we do our best, we can make the Earth beautiful and safe again.

Before I finish, let me ask you just one question.

Would you treat your home the same way you treat the Earth?

I challenge each and every one of you to get interested in saving our planet and doing something about it.


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