Be Careful Of Poisonous Mushrooms대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-29 15:19:35

▲ Wild mushrooms

▲ Wild mushrooms

▲ Wild mushrooms

In this autumn season, the number of hikers going to the mountains is increasing, and accidents from poisonous mushrooms increase. Mushrooms can be healthy and medicinal, but people have to be careful of poisonous mushrooms. What is the reason and prevention of it?

For the first reason, the mushrooms have a similar appearance. For example, the poisonous reed deer mushroom is similar to the edible mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. There are many other examples. Because we can’t distinguish which one is edible or poisonous, we might eat poisonous mushrooms and become sick. Moreover, by Rural Development Administration, 75 people got an accident in 2012 to 2016, and 7 people died.

Second, some poisonous mushrooms are very toxic. For example, if you eat a red deer mushroom, you might experience skin necrosis, paralysis, and even death. So, if we eat poisonous mushrooms by mistake, it can put us in danger and cause us to become sick.

Then, how can hikers prevent this from happening?

To prevent this, first, do not eat wild mushrooms. Even experts have difficulty distinguishing mushrooms, and there are so many kinds of similar mushrooms, so it is safe not to eat wild mushrooms.

Second, don’t depend on common tales of poisonous mushrooms. There are many false facts such as ‘Poisonous mushrooms are fancy’ and ‘Bugs do not eat poisonous mushrooms.” Believing untested hearsay is very dangerous.

If you do end up eating a poisonous mushroom, go to the hospital immediately. Take the mushroom that you ate because it can help the doctors to find solutions.

Autumn is a good season for hiking and forest exploration. Collecting mushrooms and eating them while hiking can be a useful experience. But, be careful of poisonous mushrooms, and don’t eat or touch wild mushrooms if possible.


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