A New Way to Take Care of Puppies대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-30 21:31:34

Nowadays, the people who raise puppies in their houses are increasing. However, there are so many problems to raise puppies such as their barking, boredom, and separation anxiety. So, many kindergartens appear to solve these problems and build social skills.

▲ Many kindergartens build social skills to puppies.

Kindergartens for puppies have a lot of programs. They usually pursue sports activities such as running, tactile playing, and swimming. Sports activities give a great influence on puppies. Also, puppies like to run outside, and when they run, they can relieve stress. So, they explore the outdoors like strolling in the grass with staff. Actually, this activity gets a high level of satisfaction for both puppies and staff. The staff takes pictures while puppies play. Then, the staff sends a message to an owner. The owner can require other activities to the staff through a message or an application.

▲ Both staff and puppies enjoy strolling in the grass.

The staff needs to pay attention to the puppies. First, the staff has to lower the risk of an accident like a fight, So, they sequester puppies during lunch time or play with toys. Second, there has to be the presence of a professional in the facility so that proper and immediate needs are provided once needed. Third, the staff should consider the place where puppies can romp freely. Some kindergartens have beautiful interior design, however, it is not important to puppies. Fourth, the staff must love puppies. Actually, Hong Jin-Woo, who is a specialist in canine behavior, said that the most important thing is loving puppies and knowing a lot about them. The staff should check the problem precisely. They must not consider puppies as a substance to make money.

Kindergartens for puppies have various programs, and the staff pays attention to the puppies. Kindergartens for puppies will be increasing, and owners of the puppies will let the staff take care of their puppies.

Oct. 26th, 2019

by Kim Se-jeong


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