The Mysterious Comet, Borisov대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-12 11:18:57

For years, we have thought that the only planet which has water is the Earth because we cannot observe other things. However, after developing the technology, we can see many different space materials. By the way, NASA found Borisov which is an extraterrestrial body. By finding this, we gain the chance to know the universe.

▲ This picture is Borisov, which is comet.

NASA found Borisov by their technology, and then, they analyzed it. As a result, Borisov is a comet and extraterrestrial. Also, it has a solid nucleus and gas, and dust covers it. Although it is extraterrestrial, it is no different from the comets in our solar system. Then, NASA found a large amount of oxygen atom when they observed it in Mexico. They said that ice made of water would be sublimated and then, oxygen comes out. But, they replied that there are chances of being come from CO or CO2, so it needs to observe this comet continuously.

▲ There are chances of being planet like Earth.

The fact that this comet would have water means the other planetary system could be formed through a similar process that the solar system has undergone. Also, other creatures except the creatures on Earth may be alive there. Then, it means that there can be a planet similar with Earth, which has water and proper condition for creatures to live. Through this, we can learn by observing, but we cannot learn it more because of the technology of telescope. If we develop it more, we can observe well and gain more knowledge about space.

▲ There can chances of being another solar system in space.

In short, by finding this comet, there is a possibility that other creatures can exist in another place, and there can be a planet like Earth. If we try to know space, we can learn most things about space in the future.

November 2nd, 2019

By Yoo Seung Hun


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