Developing Pets‘ Gadgets대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-13 15:41:11

Technology makes people's lives easier and pets' lives, too. The pet industry is getting bigger, so many owners need parenting services for their pets. Among the products and services, pets' gadgets were not the mainstream of the pet industry. Moreover, more home appliance brands are going to be pet-friendly such as, adding new pet modes and introducing products related to pets.

Respectively, Cukoo and Shinil are the famous brands which introduce pet gadgets. Also, both of these brands are recognized by many pet owners. First, Cukoo is the representative brand of rice cookers, but Cukoo launched the pet appliance line, Nello. Nello is a brand of appliances which releases pet exclusive gadgets. Nello made a pet air shower, dry room, and air purifier. The dry room is good for animals that have difficulty in using a blow dryer. Pets can relieve and feel nice with less noise. Also, pet owners can rent it with pet air shower and air purifier if they pay 33,000 won monthly.

▲ Cukoo: pet dry room

▲ Cukoo`s air purifier

The second brand is Shinil, it is known for its electronic fans and heaters. Shinil launched the pet category, Furby brand. It made an automatic paw cleaner and a spa tub that is like a dryer. Automatic paw cleaner scrubs off mud and dirt after taking a walk. It lessens the duty of owners. A spa tub is like a bath which is adjustable to fit pets' body size, and this can also dry the pets.

▲ Shinil paw cleaner

▲ Spa tub

Except for these brands, other famous brands such as LG and Samsung are being challenged to add pet modes in vacuum cleaners and purifiers and introduce pet gadgets. In addition, Winix and Miele made C3 Cat and Dog vacuum cleaner and Litter-Robot which is a self-cleaning litter box for cats. Gadgets for pets can make the lives of owners and pets more comfortable.

November. 9th, 2019

by Ha Yoono


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