Winter Fashion Trends that We should Follow대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-18 16:12:20

In the past few years, ultra-long down parkas were the king of the winter coats. Almost all of the people were wearing long padding last year. However, new styles will be introduced this winter. They are the fleece jackets and short puffers that will lead our winter fashion.

▲ This is the fleece jacket which will be popular in winter.

The fleece jackets called shearling, sherpa or pile are the hottest items in the fashion scene right now. They are warmer than other jackets and more comfortable to wear. Because of these, a lot of big brands are preparing fleece jackets for this winter. Also, short puffers are popular as much as fleece jackets. They attract people by creating the benefits of being trend sensitive and cheaper than long padding. In addition, they will come in different colors, sizes, and fabrics.

▲ The short puffer creates the benefits of being cheaper than long padding.

Producing fleece jackets are the goal of lots of brands. A Discovery, a famous brand, introduces fleece coats, according to Kim Ik-tae who owns the brand. Eider, a sports apparel brand has expanded for this winter. Moreover, Uniqlo which is famous for the winter outwear marks 25 years of its iconic fleece jackets this year. Likewise, short puffers are also popular in a lot of brands. North Face has re-released its short jackets, first introduced in 1992. In addition, Eider and other outdoor brands are also preparing for their short coat styles.

Fleece jackets and short puffers will become the necessary items for this winter. They attract people by creating and having unique features. Almost all of the people who want to follow the trend of fashion will compete in buying these items. In this winter, the desire of the people who want to buy the items will be hotter than ever.

November 10th, 2019
by Yu Dong-hoon


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