To Be an Green Architect대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-05 10:36:12

Nowadays, new different styles of houses with a touch of Mother Nature are arising. The Korea Environment Corporation stated that Green architect is a promising job. The work of a Green architect is that he plans how to make a house and how to combine it with a touch of Mother Nature.

Architects work in partnership with various architectural companies. They design great and comfortable houses. Additionally, green architect is not only about designing houses but also making various things with ecological- friendly materials. There are many different kinds of architectural products that use ecological-friendly materials.

▲ Eco- Friendly Architect

Using ecological- friendly products is a new trend nowadays. A survey from Korea Environment Corporation stated that many people seek comfortable, safe and ecological friendly houses. Nowadays, people like these three factors in their houses so that they do not need to go somewhere during hot seasons and just prefer it has a staycation. The U.S. South Korean Alliance spread this all over the world. There are many houses built with ecological- Friendly materials. The Ministry of Environment stated that nowadays, architects' view in designing products using ecological-friendly materials is increasing. So, now, they are focusing on how to design ecological-friendly houses.

▲ Eco- Friendly Building

People are interested in living in a house that is environmentally friendly and comfortable at the same time. To be an architect, one must graduate in a university. For example, one can enroll in architectural engineering at Hanyang University. Moreover, to become a licensed architect, one should take the industrial engineering examination. After graduating from a university and gaining experience and skills, one can make high- quality and comfortable to live at the same time.

By Jaemin Kim


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