Korean Seasonal Foods On Winter대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 11:34:23

Koreans and foreigners in Korea eat seasonal foods in winter. They eat it because of three big reasons: first, for health, second, for safety, third, for taste. For the first reason, seasonal foods become nutritious and delicious during their own season. For example, shepherd's purse, a spring seasonal food, is usually eaten in spring, because it becomes rough and loses its scent in other seasons. But in spring, it is soft and loved by many people. Second, eating seafood such as oysters or manila clams could be dangerous because of the risk of food poisoning. So, some seasonal foods are not eaten in other seasons.

So, what are the seasonal foods for winter in Korea?

The first is mackerel. Mackerel is a blue-colored fish. It gets fatty in autumn and has much omega-3 fatty acid and has docosahexaenoic acid. So, mackerel is good for the brain, blood, and heart diseases.

The second is the tangerine. Tangerines have vitamin C, so tangerines are good for colds and the mucous membrane.

The third is the oyster. Oysters are called by many nicknames, but the nickname related to oyster’s nutrition is “the milk of the sea.” Because they have much iron, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, and vitamins A, B, and C, oysters are good for anemia and growth.

The fourth is strawberry. Strawberries are full of vitamin C and anthocyanin. Vitamin C in strawberries is good for colds and cancer. Also, it makes the skin look healthy. Anthocyanin is good for cancer and tired eyes.

The fifth is the cockle. Cockles have taurine, nucleic acid, protein, amino acid, and vitamins. Taurine in cockles tightens up the immune system. Protein, amino acid, and vitamins are good for growth. Taurine is good for your liver’s health.

The sixth is napa cabbage. Napa cabbage is familiar to many Koreans because it is used for kimchi. It has much fiber, so it has effects on intestinal regulation.

The seventh is a white radish. White radish is also used for many types of kimchi. It contains its own starch-degrading enzyme and fiber. Starch-degrading fiber helps digestion, and fiber is effective in body waste cleaning.

The eight is old pumpkin. Old pumpkin contains many types of nutrients. They are carotene, vitamin C, lecithin, and Kalium. It is good for a diuretic effect and deintoxication.

The ninth is shrimp. Shrimp contains keto acid. This acid prevents deposits of fat and promotes emission of bad materials.

These seasonal foods can be eaten in many ways. If we know how to eat them, we can enjoy them better.

For mackerel, you can glaze it with spicy sauce and white radish, or you can just grill it.

For tangerine, you can eat it raw, or add it to confectionery.

For the oyster, you can eat it raw, salted or fried. Also, you can put it into various types of soup, like sea mustard soup.

Strawberries can be used for many kinds of dishes. You can eat them raw. Also, they are used for many kinds of baking, such as cakes, tarts, and roll cakes.

Cockle can be steamed or seasoned with spicy soybean sauce.

▲ example: kimchi

Napa cabbage can be used as an ingredient for kimchi, salad, soup, and ssam.

▲ example: kkakdugi

White radish can be used as a basic ingredient for soup, shredded daikon, and beef radish soup.

Old pumpkin can be used as squashed pumpkin, pumpkin soup, Korean hard taffy, and pumpkin rice cake.

For shrimp, you can simply steam or fry it, and make it into jeon.

Seasonal food can help you stay healthy and active during the winter. How about enjoying seasonal foods this winter?


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