ISIS Cheif, Al-Baghdadi Dead대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 11:43:50

Chief al-Bagdadi of an armed terrorist group, ISIS, has died. According to the New York Times, the specific operation to catch Al-Baghdadi began in the summer of 2019, when a liaison and one of his wives were caught. The U.S. learned of some of their hiding places and behavioral patterns from them and deployed spies to monitor his movements. At that time, they had two or three chances, but operations were called off when his destination changed capriciously. U.S. forces eventually raided and killed Al-Baghdadi on October 26, 2019.

▲ appearance of Al-Baghdadi

Al-Baghdadi founded ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), an armed terrorist group, and became its chief. He calls himself Caliph, a universal monarch, who also serves as the top religious leader in the Islamic world. The name Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a Jihadist name. He uses this Jihadist name because it is taboo for the Arab world to call someone by their real name casually as a citizen. Abu Bakr was named after the first Caliph, and Al-baghdadi means that he hails from Baghdad.

▲ Flag of ISIS

South Korea was once a target of ISIS. The plan was called the Bojinka. Their goal was to hijack 11 to 12 airplanes in Asia at the same time, and the CIA investigation in 1995 revealed the plot. The terror attacks are said to have included South Korea's Gimpo Airport. It is said that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad made preparations for the implementation of the hijacking, including a 10-hour stay at Gimpo Airport and conducting a preliminary survey until he was expelled for not possessing a visa. The plan was canceled, but four out of 11 planes flew through South Korea, so it could have had a big impact on the country if it had been enacted.

On October 27th, Donald Trump, the U.S. president announced that the U.S. information department and special forces succeeded in eliminating Al-Baghdadi. The U.S. president said that it was like "a film full of cutting-edge technology that has never been seen before". He also said that Al-Baghdadi detonated himself during the U.S. assault and his two wives were shot dead by Delta Force. He added that Al-Baghdadi "died like a coward", and the U.S. operators were unharmed. However, this story seems to be a bit exaggerated. A few hours later, U.S. defense secretary Mark T. Espers said that the original goal was to capture him alive and persuade Al-baghdadi to surrender, but he refused, killing himself in the process.

ISIS is almost entirely defeated. Al-Baghdadi's death could deal the decisive blow. In addition, given that the organization's characteristics were to instigate unstable youths from various countries, his death is likely to reduce potential converts. However, we cannot be overly optimistic, as the U.S. military has recently moved out of northern Syria and its front against ISIS. Abdullah Qardashi was estimated to become Al-Baghdadi's successor, but Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Kuraiishi rose to power in his place. People don't want another organization like ISIS to appear.


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