KT Corporation will Launches its 5G Streaming Game Services대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-30 11:04:21

KT made an announcement on the 20th day of December that it will release the 5G Streaming Game service that allows users to enjoy high-end games on smartphones, which were only available on PCs and consoles. Users can enjoy games stored on servers without downloading through 5G-based streaming.

▲ KT Game Streaming

KT has applied subscription-type models to 5G streaming games. Users can use unlimited content if they pay a monthly charge. After two months of free experience, the company will find various content suitable for streaming games and will officially release them in March next year. It planned to officially release them in March next year. Some of the 100 kinds of game contents including Deep Silver’s Metro 2033 Redux, SNK’s King of Fighters XIII, and Volition’s Saints Row 4 are freely available.

▲ Game Streaming with Smartphone

KT is the latest among the three telecom companies to enter the cloud game market. KT has joined hands with Ubitus, a Taiwanese streaming solutions company. Ubitus is a leading company in the development of cloud games in the late 2000s and is currently serving streaming games on Nintendo Switches. "By establishing 5G streaming game service as an open platform based on Windows, we have secured openness and diversity in content supply and demand," KT explained.

▲ Three Telecom company in Korea

Cloud games are drawing keen attention in that they break down the boundaries of game platforms divided into consoles, PCs and mobile devices and make it easier to enjoy games anytime and anywhere. LGU+, in partnership with NVIDIA, introduced its cloud game service called ‘GeForce Now’ in South Korea in September. Moreover, SKT will serve Microsoft’s Project XCloud in the domestic market.

December 21, 2019

By Bak Jeong-heon


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