Nanotechnology대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-30 11:48:22

Lately, many technologies such as 5G, A.I. are being developed. As these technologies develop, our life is also changing. We can enjoy life easier by using these technologies. Also, some technologies help people healthy. Devices that can be used for health care can be an example of it. One of the technologies that are promising in the future is nanotechnology. This technology is getting attention from many scientists now.  

▲ nanotechnology

Then, what is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is a technology of extremely small things. This is first started by a physicist "Richard Feynman". He released a book titled, "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom." In this book, he showed his ideas and concepts about nanotechnology. The word "nanotechnology" was first used by professor Norio Taniguchi. As a microscope develops, people could see individual atoms and this made modern nanotechnology begin.

▲ nanotechnology used to make nano medicine

So, how these technologies can be used in real life? First, it can be used in helping to treat diseases. By using nanotechnology, it can make small medicine. This nanomedicine can be used for delivery in a living organism. Also, this nanomedicine can diagnose and prevent diseases. Except for the used for health, it can also be used in communication. It can allow making a system that is faster than now.
This amazing technology is being developed by many famous companies such as Samsung. Nanotechnology is changing the display industry since it is a necessary technology to make a flexible display, full HD, and OLED TV. Nanotechnology is also used in-universe. It can be used to make micro-spacecraft and laminate the space ship. This coating will make the spacecraft have a tolerance to heat.
Like this, nanotechnology is used in many fields. Nanotechnology will be developed a lot and it is getting developed now. Nanotechnology will be combined with other technologies and make our life better and easier.


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