The Large Magnet, Earth대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-02 14:08:07
  • 수정 2020-01-02 14:08:09

The earth can be seen as a very large magnet.

When you spray iron shavings* on a magnet, you can identify a line which is linked to N pole and S pole*. Earth also makes these lines of magnetic force*.

The earth's unique magnetic field* is called the earth's magnetic field.

Then, how was the Earth's magnetic field made?

The material of the outer core* of the earth exists as a liquid.

And the material is mostly iron and nickel with high electrical conductivity*.

In the past, scientists thought that the materials of the outer core would circulate inside the outer core by the Earth's rotation movement because of its fluid state.

And they thought that the fluid circulation of high-electrical conductivity materials could be a condition for generating electric current*.

When an electric current is generated, a magnetic field is formed around it.

Based on this fact, scientists guessed that there may be a system inside the Earth that forms the Earth's magnetic field.

However, this was assumed that the magnetic field from outside the earth may have affected the formation of the earth's magnetic field based on Electromagnetic Induction*.

Because current cannot be generated only by the circulation of materials with high conductivity.

A device designed to prove the principle of forming the earth's magnetic field is called ‘dynamo’.

And applying this principle to explain the formation of the Earth's magnetic field is called the ‘Dynamo theory’.

According to this theory, the earth's magnetic field was formed by the circulation of electrical conductivity and the effect of a given magnetic field from the outside as I said earlier.

Without the geomagnetic field, life could not have existed on Earth.

Without the Earth's magnetic field protecting the Earth, solar winds* reach the atmosphere.

Because of this, life on the ground is directly exposed to strong energy.

Eventually, the Earth would have turned into an environment where life could not exist like Venus.

The geomagnetic field serves to protect the Earth.

But the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field is having a lot of impact on our lives. Powerful magnetic storms can create auroras*, and they can cause problems with radio and television jamming*, as well as sailing ships and airplanes with compasses*.


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