High tech charging facility, Hi-charger대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 12:44:09
  • 수정 2020-01-22 12:44:36

Hyundai developed Hi-charger themselves to perform the role of the leader in improving EV charging environment which is the most important factor for the amplification of EV spread and for the service development as well as EV charging facility spread for clients.

Hi-charger, which Hyundai developed with Dayoung Chabi and which specializes EV charging technology, is applied to high-power and efficiency charging technology. Hyundai also provides applications linked to the charging facility.

▲ Hyundai Hi-charger

Hyundai's superfast charging facility, Hi-charger, is named by friendly image Hi and EV advanced technology's image High Tech. The best class charging facility in local, 350 kWh charging technology is equipped in it, which means that EV which uses 800 V battery that is double capacity compared to Ionic's battery going 271 km per charge can charge 80 percent in twenty minutes. Part automatization method enables the user not to feel the weight of connection wire so it maximizes the convenience of charging. Also, Hyundai provides service recommending optimal way for EV charging facility, making a reservation of charge and inspecting vehicle while charging. Hyundai established two Hi-charger in Goyong Hyundai motor studio and invited consumers to experience the instruction of Hi-charger. Hyundai will amplify Hi-charger by using big data which uses the location where consumers' circles overlap so that many consumers can take profit together. However, when the outskirts people cannot go to overlapped locations, the outskirts will take a normal Hyundai charger and analyze the clients' responses.

▲ charging Ioniq
▲ charging Kona Electric

Compared to Tesla's charging facility, Hyundai takes 350 kWh class charging facility, while Tesla takes 250 kWh class. However, Tesla's charging facility spreads out in the whole world. Hi-charger can be a supercharging facility when it spreads out as fast as Tesla taking new powerful charging technology.

January 5th,2020 by 곽경민


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