The Collaboration of Kia and Hyundai with Arrival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-14 17:15:53

Kia development center's president, Mr. Albert Biermann, said the European market got a drastic expansion of eco-friendly cars by mighty environment regulation. He emphasized that Kia will be equipped with competence, and it made sure of the leadership of global eco-friendly cars through Kia's cooperation with Arrival.

Kia invested about billion dollars to Arrival, a British commercial EV professional enterprise, and Kia collaborated to cultivate compact commercial EV specialized in the city to secure the top of EV development and accelerate the turnover as "Clean Mobility".

▲ Skateboard platform

Kia will show commercial EV in Europe at a competitive price and will correspond to the European commercial EV market which is growing quickly. In the office building of Hyundai, on January 16th, Albert Biermann, president of Kia development center, signed a memorandum of investment on EV co-development with Denis Sverdlov, CEO of Arrival. Arrival is a professional enterprise in a commercial enterprise in commercial EV development and has the technology called the "skateboard" platform which carries battery and motor on the shape of the skateboard as standard module form and builds various structures customized by the client on the platform. Therefore, packing battery and operating parts that take part in most of EV price makes a cost-saving effect, and manufacturing a customized car shortens car development period outstandingly. Although the demand for the commercial cars is increasing today, the environmental regulation is reinforced by reducing the emission of CO2 from 130 grams per kilometer to 95 grams per kilometer, and the demand for commercial EV is increasing more than 33 percent per year. Meanwhile, PBV (Purpose Built Vehicle) also applies the "skateboard" platform so that Kia furnishes the various concept models for the use of the vehicle.

▲ Memorandum photo

Though the "skateboard" platform technology of Arrival and EV technology of Kia can take some parts of Europe commercial EV, the European car companies will not just look. They will also release their commercial EV. Therefore, there will be a variety of commercial EV in 5 years.

February 2nd, 2020 by 곽경민


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