Using Collision Brake to Prevent Secondary Accident대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-19 14:52:15

Recently, Hyundai applied high technology system called ADAS which can prevent an accident in advance. Also, Hyundai made the third-generation platform to minimize the damage a passenger would have and to eliminate risks that other vehicles could take. As this trend, Hyundai made the new technology called MCB or Multi Collision Brake to block an additional accident which occurs shortly after the collision. While previous safety technology focused on preventing an accident or reducing the damage of an accident, MCB activates shortly after an accident, amplifying the existing vehicle safety range.

Hyundai showed MCB to prevent an accident shortly after a collision on April 29th, 2020 by using ACU(Airbag Control Unit), IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit), and ESC(Electric Stability Control).

▲ hard to do make border
▲ MCB in Sorento MQ4

Before Hyundai created MCB, there were two backgrounds. First, according to the Korea Highway Corporation Survey, highway secondary accident lethality from 2013 to 2017 was 52.7 percent, which was five times higher than the normal accident lethality. This is because other cars cannot predict the movement that the crashed car made. The crashed car may go to the opposite road and pedestrian lane or may crash other cars, a roadside tree, and a guider rail. Secondly, the Safety Evaluation of Secondary Collision Mitigation Braking introduced in NHTSA(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated that braking the crashed car can reduce a secondary accident by a maximum of 30 percent.

When a car crashes, ACU(Airbag Control Unit) was spread out. After that, the IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit will figure out the speed and movement of the vehicle. Then, the pedal sensor will figure out to accelerate or brake the car. When IMU and pedal sensor will turn out, ESC(Electronic Stability Control will make appropriate control which considers the movement and speed of the car to brake safely. To take and send this large information, the third-generation CAN network method applied to G80 RG3 and Sorento MQ4. The power of brake MCB made is 5 m/s that can reduce the speed of a car to be safe. To make MCB work, there are some conditions. First, the speed of the car does not exceed 180 km/h. Also, while auto braking, MCB will shut down when the driver pushes over the standard. MCB considers that the driver may accelerate the car to avoid another accident.

▲ how to connect the information

As time goes, the high technology makes a new world. To make this world, high technology considers various conditions. Every situation is not the standard that makers want. When markers just provide narrow perception, the high technology will function, but it is still useless for the real situation.

May 3rd, 2020 by Gyeong min Kwak


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