The Top K-pop Artist, BTS대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 15:06:56

BTS is one of the most popular music artists not only in South Korea but also in some other countries. BTS is a seven-member boy band that is composed of Kim Nam-joon, Kim Tae-hyung, Jung Ho-seok, Park Ji-min, Jeon Jung-kook, Kim Seok-jin, and Min Yoon-ki. They really have a great influence in South Korea with more than 13,000,00 official fans.

BTS achievements as singers are remarkable. For example, they are the first Korean singer who performed at City Field in New York. They received the Top Social Artist Award on Billboard charts in 2017, the Top Social Artist Award, and they won the Best Music Video Award in Hong Kong. On average, their music albums are pre-reserved for 4 million copies, and their concerts' tickets

were sold out in just a few seconds. They also had a speech at the United Nations (UN) in 2018, becoming the pride and face of the Republic of Korea. Many famous people all over the world want to see them and praise them.

▲ After BTS speech in UN

According to the Time's interview with Bang Si-hyuk, the head of Big Hit agency where BTS is affiliated, he said that the most important thing in BTS' success is their music, and the royalties he has built up in communicating with fans, played a big role, too. He also said that because BTS respected diversity, talked about their pain, and never changed the direction of their music after their debut, these became some factors in their success.

▲ numerous fans in the concert hall

BTS is so far spreading its popularity with a variety of music and amazing dance. Because of their wonderful music, dance, and ideas, they are one of the most influential figures in South Korea. Also, many people from some other countries became their fans. Now, lots of their fans and many citizens are looking forward to seeing their more tremendous performances.

By Kwon Ga Ram


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