The Next Technology: Drones대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 15:20:48

Nowadays, the awareness of people about a drone is essential to our lives. The drone is gradually harmonized in our life. We can easily see a drone in the park used by taking a picture and video. We can also see people playing with their friends using a drone. In South Korea, people also think that it can be used in our society.

A drone is an aircraft or helicopter-shaped military unmanned aerial vehicle capable of flying and piloting by induction of radio waves without a pilot.

▲ The common drone that we can see in our ilfe

There are various types of drones. They are different from the number of propeller-like bicopter (as two rotors), quadcopter (has four rotors), hexacopter(has six rotors), and octocopter (has eight rotors).

The drone is used in various ways. First, it is used for military service. Eighty percent of drones are used for military service. Drone strikes have caused many civilian deaths. Second, the drone is used for agriculture. It can help in the resolution of a shortage of hands. Third, it is used for rescuing and dealing with an emergency. Fourth, it is used for the Internet. Jun Ji- hye, from the Korea Times, reported that SK Telecom, KT, and LG U+ are actively utilizing drones as a means of expanding their newly launched fifth-generation (5G) network services and fueling future growth engines. Drones also have a variety of uses such as in disaster management and rainmaking. The global drone market is currently dominated by Chinese companies like DJI.

The drone industry is very useful in our society. Many predict that drones will have better prospects in the future than they do now. The industry is not that organized because it is still growing, but in the future, it will be an indispensable industry like that of the current cars. Also, the concern about drones will disappear in the future.


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