The Juvenile Justice System대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 15:23:43

Do you think that teenagers who committed crimes are fine? Maybe a minor case can be solved easily but teenagers who committed crimes are getting out of hand nowadays. Also, the problem is getting serious. Thus, the law for juvenile crime is too poor.

There are a few instances that are no fit juvenile law. The first one is the teenager who stole a car and caused an accident. The second one is about cyberbullying. An elementary school student bullied some middle school students through Messenger, so the middle school students were angry. Then, the middle school students found out that the responsible for bullying was an elementary school student. Then, they assaulted her. However, both the middle school students and the elementary student were not published due to juvenile law.

▲ 천지일보( 날로 잔혹해지는 청소년 범죄)

With these cases, the judges consider teenagers, crimes for they are protected with juvenile law. However, because of this law, juvenile crimes are increasing nowadays, That is why the juvenile law has to be abolished or need to be changed.

The juvenile law is giving a chance to teenagers to be criminals. It is because they are too young to be punished. Moreover, minors cannot receive a criminal penalty even if they did a terrible action. They will just be put to a youth detention center for two years or less. However, some people are against giving them a chance to be freed.

▲ 연합뉴스( 청소년 폭행 사건 통계)

Keeping this kind of law can worsen the problem. This should be stopped because many people know how serious it is. The juvenile law should be changed or abolished so that our country will be a better place with disciplined citizens.


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