Professional Volleyball Player, Her Extreme Choice대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-13 17:10:36

There are many deaths in the world. There are many deaths in the world. Also, unfortunately, some people committed suicide because they wanted to die. Recently, public attention was focused on professional volleyball players who committed suicide. Former volleyball player Ko Yu-min was found dead at his home around 9:40 p.m. on July 31, 2020. The public is expressing regret and sadness over her death.

▲ her figure when she was alive

Police suspect that Ko Yu-min died three to four days ago and that the cause of death was suicide. The cause of her suicide was seen as a vicious circle through SNS. In reality, however, malicious comments were not the cause. She wrote in her last memo that she had a very difficult time because of friction with the coach and other coaching staff. The Hyundai Engineering & Construction club said this was not true, but the public thinks her words are true. Her bereaved family later said her death was not due to malicious comments but to the club's overuse of power.


▲ the logo of the volleyball team she belonged to
Many comments were posted on YouTube videos showing the official position of her bereaved family. Many of them vented their anger at the assailant and the malicious comments, saying, "We must punish the assailant of her death," "We cannot hide our disappointment at the volleyball team that led to the death of a player," and "It is true that the malicious comments in her death are not the main cause, but it is also true that it is the cause of her own death."

To sum up, the cause of Ko Yu-min's death is a combination of discord with the volleyball team and malicious comments. She is already dead, but from this incident, I hope that Korean sports players will no longer make extreme choices.


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