Vaccine Nationalism, Selfish or Utilitarian?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 15:46:58

▲ the world is putting a lot of money to reserve the vaccine for COVID-19

A lot of countries are competing to acquire the vaccine of COVID-19. Especially, nations such as America, England, and Japan are putting a huge amount of money to reserve the vaccine. This effort is to redintegrate the economy earlier than in other countries. However, some people assert that this "vaccine war" is inappropriate. To be clear, they say that the vaccine should be given to all countries equally.

▲ countries competing to acquire the vaccine for COVID-19

We call people who invest money to acquire vaccines for their country as "vaccine nationalists". These people are usually from advanced countries. They say that when the economy of developed countries recovers, they can give help to other countries. Moreover, they point out that even though vaccines arrive in underdeveloped countries, the majority of nations will not have the chance to use it due to the expensive price. If advanced countries gain vaccine first, they can lessen the burden of expense, too.

On the other hand, some say that if the vaccine is not provided to all countries equally, it will be hard to end COVID-19. Countries without a vaccine will still suffer from COVID-19. As time goes, the situation will be worse. Moreover, there can be people who go to other countries that have a vaccine. Due to this movement, more people can be infected by the virus. Therefore, to stop COVID-19 with lower risk, every nation should have equal use of the vaccine.

▲ COVID-19 as a global catastrophe

There is no doubt that COVID-19 is a disaster for every country. We all want to overcome this situation as fast as we can. However, on the other side of the real war with the virus, a "cold war" is continuing. Even though no one knows which choice will bring which result, we should remember that money cannot be chosen prior to live.

September 20th, 2020 by Yang Ye Won


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