The New Bill of Using an Electric Kick Scooter대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:25:09

▲ Electric Kick Scooter Which Are Left On the Street For Business

These days, an electric kick scooter is at the center of conversation because of the newly revised bill about using it. The new bill which will be applied starting on December 10th will increase the accessibility of using an electric kick scooter. While users of electric kick scooters are increasing, the accidents related to using them are also increasing. So, there are many voices of concerns about this problem.

Before the bill was revised, an electric kick scooter is classified as a motor bicycle, and it must be driven by only licensed people aged more than 16. However, it will be sorted as personal mobility, and everyone aged 13 up will be able to drive it after amending the bill. According to the new bill, the monetary penalty for not using helmets will be eliminated. In comparison with the past that people were allowed to ride an electric kick scooter on the road, people will be able to ride it on the bicycle road. People cannot ride it on the sidewalk, however, it will be allowed if a driver will just drag it.

▲ Two People Riding One Electric Kick Scooter

An electric kick scooter has been loved by many people. The major reason is that using it is faster than walking. An electric scooter is relatively small and easy to carry because it can be folded. It also has usability to go anywhere such as an alley that people cannot go by public transport. On the other hand, it is more dangerous than other means of transportation. The electric kick scooter accidents increased 18 times this year than in 2016. If the new bill is applied, some people are worried about any accident because of the lowered age limit. Also, there are only a few professional technicians of electric kick scooters, so it is hard to fix it.

Not only the improvement of people's awareness and cautions but also more detailed regulation about electric kick scooter is necessary.

▲ All People Must Wear Helmets For Their Safety

Nov. 14th, 2020

by Son Chae Yun


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