Chen‘s Future Musical Activity as Exo Member대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:44:02

Chen, a member of the megastar K-pop boy band Exo, delivered his breaking news and the birth of his child a year ago and disappeared without a trace. This shocking news frustrated a huge amount of his fans and made big flaws in his career that he had built for a very long time. Also, recently, he delivered one more breaking news to Exo fans and aroused lots of concerns with his future career one more time.

The 28-year-old main vocal member of boy band Exo, Chen, whose legal name is Jong Dae Kim, posted his handwritten note to Exo fan community Lysn on Oct. 26.

▲ Chen`s handwritten note that was posted on Exo Fan community Lysn.

He said that he will fulfill his duty with a fit mind and body so that he can come to nack and say hello as a more mature person. This meant that he would serve in the military for a year and a half. Also, he released his new single "Hello" on Oct. 27.

▲ Right after joining the military service

This news of Chen's military service to his fan without any notice made his fans worry about his future music career as an Exo member. Recently, his reputation is going bad because of the birth of his child and marriage. Fans said that the blank period as his military service will affect his music career as an Exo member. He cannot participate in all activities and may not get a chance to revive his reputation again.

The Idol who caused the repercussions in the K-pop industry with his marriage and the birth of his child broke the news to his fans one more time. This aroused concerns that he can never reactive as an Exo member again and cheering about his new challenge.

▲ Before he went to military service

November 14th, 2020
by Seojin Youn


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