기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-22 17:39:01

▲ A Student Who Wearing a Protective Suit

College Scholastic Ability Test is a test that all students who have academic abilities equal to that of high school graduates, can apply. It is usually performed in November. However, many people are trembling with fear because of COVID-19 since the beginning of the year. Because many students could not go to schools or academies for months, CSAT was eventually delayed and was held on December 3rd.

▲ A Classroom Is Changed to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

COVID-19 changed the examination hall of CSAT. The government executed thorough disinfection of all schools and classrooms and set up partitions on desks. After every period, windows should be opened for ventilation. The test-takers had to retrain conversation and eat meals on their seat. All people in the test site must wear masks, and their body temperature must be checked at the entrance. Some test-takers who were suspected to have COVID-19 should take a test in a laboratory. People who were doing self-isolation took the test in separate sites, and people who had received definite diagnosis did the test in the hospitals.

▲ Classroom Quarantine Before CSAT

Familiar circumstances as well as the venues were also changed by COVID-19. In the past, some juniors in the school cheered at the entrance of the examination hall for the test-takers. They held placards and prayed for big success in a loud voice. To prevent COVID-19 to spread, however, the cheering was not allowed.

COVID-19 has largely influenced our lives in many different spheres. It has been an issue that one test-taker of CSAT must even take the test with protective clothing. In the midst of the increasing number of COVID-19 patients, all people should be careful not to spread it. Many people and the next test-takers of CSAT are worried about COVID-19 and hope that it will disappear in 2021.

Dec. 19th, 2020

by Son Chae Yun


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