Diseases that Are Easy to Cure vs. Diseases That Are Hard to Cure대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 14:58:42

There are many diseases in our life. However, nowadays, they can be cured. These diseases are such as cold, influenza, enteritis, varicella, and many more. However, there are some diseases that are hard to cure such as cancer, obstacle from doing things, and allergy. Thus, diseases are classified into two, the diseases that can be cured and cannot be cured. The standard of it is the common diseases have been researched, so these can be cured easily, but uncommon diseases have not been researched, so these cannot be cured easily.

▲ Cold virus image

The diseases that can be cured easily are first, cold. Cold is the most common disease. Cold can be cured by medicine and relaxation. The second is influenza. Influenza is common, too, so it can be cured easily. However, if a person has influenza, he or she should take more medicine and relaxation. It is contagious, so the person cannot go anywhere. The third is the enteritis. Enteritis is cured by medicine, relaxation, or hospitalization. However, it also can be cured completely. Lastly, it is varicella. It was very hard to cure these diseases a long time ago, but now, it can be cured. well. These four diseases are the most common diseases. On the other hand, there are many diseases that are hard to cure while those four diseases: cold, influenza, enteritis, and varicella are diseases that can be cured easily. First of all, there is rhinitis. Rhinitis is very common for people, but it is very hard to cure. So, it is very hard because it takes time. Second, there is atopic dermatitis. It repeats every year, but if it is just slight, it can be cured, too. It varies when the season changed. The third is an allergy. Many people think that allergy is easy to cure. However, there are many kinds of allergy-like animal allergies, food allergies, or insect allergies. Moreover, if people have a food allergy, they could also have an insect allergy. Fourth is cancer. There are just cancer and childhood cancer. Childhood cancer's percentage of survival is 70 percent. Cancer is harder to cure than other diseases. Lastly, there is an obstacle to doing things. These involve those people who cannot see, hear, or walk. However, for those who cannot hear, they can use a hearing aid, but if it is serious, it cannot help them.

To sum up, most diseases can be cured easily, but there are diseases that are hard to cure.


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