Social Media대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:07:59

Nowadays, social media is developing, and many teenagers and adults use this. There are many kinds of social media websites such as Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok, and many more that are developing because smartphone becomes a routinization. So, naturally, social media, social network service, and Internet are developed with advanced technology.

▲ Many kinds of social media.

First of all, there are many advantages to social media. People can swiftly get various information which they want to know from the Internet and social network service. Also, people can share their own daily life with many people who they even do not know by posting on social media. People can make friends on the Internet. It can also be used for making money. People promote their products on social media to make money. Also, content creating is occurred, too. That is why people post their own creatures which many people see and enjoy on social media.

▲ People who connect with social media.

There are problems on social media, too. It can cause addiction. Malicious comments can hurt people emotionally. People can put off what they should do easily, so it can make a problem according to studies. Lastly, there is a problem with personal information that can be hacked to be used on the bad side.

To solve these problems, people should limit posting their personal information on social media to avoid hacking. Also, people should increase function to report a malicious comment. Most of all, it is important that each individual should control themselves in posting on social media.

Nowadays, social media becomes an important part of our lives. It will be continued to develop with higher technology from now on. There will be more social media and almost all people will use them in the future.


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