Clubhouse in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-02 15:43:47
  • 수정 2021-03-31 10:40:48

Clubhouse is a Social media application developed by an American startup that allows users to communicate with each other. The advantages of being able to talk to celebrities like friends have increased, and recently, we have 6 million users. The difference between Clubhouse and other social media applications is that you need to receive an invitation ticket from an existing Clubhouse subscriber to create an account.

▲ Clubhouse

Only two invitation tickets are given when you sign up, so you can get paid to trade with people. Alternatively, if you request an existing subscriber for an invitation ticket, and the subscriber accepts, you can join without consuming two invitation tickets. This SNS application allows you to communicate with other people about a variety of subjects. When you enter the room, you are divided into speakers and listeners, and you can participate in the conversation. Also, another difference between Clubhouse and other applications is that the conversation is not recorded in Clubhouse, so there is no record left. Celebrities and politicians sometimes open rooms and communicate with people.

Because of these advantages, politicians also use Clubhouse to communicate with citizens. The candidates for mayor of Seoul also had time to talk informally to citizens and answer questions about their pledges. Like this, it is used as a medium for communicating with many people and sharing each other's thoughts. On the other hand, many people responded positively. They said that it is a friendly and enjoyable application that allows them to have more diverse communication methods. However, there was an opinion that the opinions of all citizens cannot be represented because of the fact that only IOS is be supported and that Clubhouse cannot be used without an invitation ticket. The evaluation of this one case alone did not bring up such a story.

▲ Selling invitations

There was also a talk that Clubhouse encourages a sense of relative deprivation as you can only enter after receiving the invitation ticket. Also, the fact that you cannot record with the application itself, but you can record with other devices while using Clubhouse means it is not completely confidential. In South Korea, it is actively used for communication between friends, interaction with celebrities, and public relations with politicians. The clubhouse is a new medium that is expected to be used in many ways and in more areas in the future. There are many opinions in Korea. Those who think positively about Clubhouse think that it is a new way of communicating. People believe that negative thinking fosters a sense of relative deprivation among those who deliberately create the right to use the application. Is Clubhouse the new way of communicating? Otherwise, is it an application that encourages a sense of relative deprivation? There is equal opposition between those in favor and those in opposition, so no one knows which side will come to a conclusion. How do you use it in your country? Also, what kind of opinion do you have?

February 24, 2021, By Park Hyon


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