The Untact Era대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:32:13

Nowadays, lots of people are infected by a terrible virus, COVID-19. So, lots of countries get some changes from this virus. These changes are called untact era in which lots of people try not to contact each other.

Because of the coronavirus, our lifestyles have changed to 180 degrees. For example, lots of people cannot go outside without any face masks and have to follow social distancing in order to minimize contact between lots of people. So, lots of people try to wear face masks, and in the restaurants and other stores, they have to sit one or two spaces out.

Another change, for example, is that there are now plenty of kiosk machines that can be utilized to order something to use without any people in the restaurants and convenience stores.

▲ the situation that lots of people use the kiosk for doing untact era

Moreover, there is a change in the education system. Lots of students cannot go to school. For this, people change the way to educate students which is to teach in the video class like in the program called "Zoom". However, these changes have some problems like losing some jobs for the service jobs. Also, lots of elders do not know about lots of nowadays' machines, so they can be alienated in society. Also, many students cannot study well because of minimizing the class days and not studying in the house.

▲ the class that teacher teach the students in the video

So, there are lots of gaps between students who go to the academy or other educational institutions and those who are not.

We can see that people adapt to the changes caused by COVID-19 well, but lots of people feel the hardship of these changes. Lots of parents say that they cannot monitor their children because their children are studying at home, and they should go to work. So, they cannot check them all the time. For this, they have lots of worries for their children.

Today, lots of people feel tired and hard to fight COVID-19, so some people have lots of concern about adapting to the new lifestyles. However, when they can follow the new changes, they can win against the virus, COVID-19.


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