The Start of Electric Cars‘ Era대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:54:35

Nowadays, you can easily find electric cars in the street. According to KEPCO, there are 135,396 electric cars in South Korea until January 31st, 2021. Moreover, new electric cars such as IONIQ 5 was released in South Korea on February 23rd, 2021, and the number of advance reservation on the first day was 24,000. In addition to Hyundai, lots of car brands released their own electric cars recently.

▲ This car is Hyundai`s new electric car, ˝IONIQ 5˝.

Hot issue and attention of releasing new electric car comes from few company. A good example is Tesla. The well-known pioneer of an electric car is Tesla, which released their first car, "Tesla roadster" in 2006. In addition to Tesla, Hyundai released their first electric car, "IONIQ" in 2016. In fact, five years ago, electric cars were not popular. The reason was the low driving distance in addition to the lack of a place to charge. However, nowadays, the South Korean government makes a lot of chargers, and driving distance has been developed a lot. There were only 5,838 electric cars in South Korea in 2015. It is fact that the electric car market of South Korea has developed a lot.

▲ IONIQ 5 has a great utilization of space.

In terms of the eco-friendly features of electric cars, they do not make any Co2. Moreover, humankind confronts serious energy and environmental problems, and there is a great solution which is using alternative energy instead of fossil fuel. Interestingly, lots of consumers in South Korea in addition to other nations highly demand eco-friendly cars, and it is true that the features of electric cars meet their demands. In addition, there are some advantages of electric cars. For instance, IONIQ 5, allows using larger spaces. The main advantage of this car is that it does not have an engine. Moreover, it has a flat floor because it does not have a center tunnel, which is the place for some mechanism for gasoline and diesel cars.

▲ This is Hyundai`s concept of the future transportation.

The electric car market in South Korea and other nations is developing now. The main reason for the popularity of electric cars comes from their eco-friendly features and their different designs compare to gasoline and diesel cars. Pioneers of future transportation in addition to electric cars such as Hyundai are expected to lead the new era of a new generation of transportation which can change the whole story of automobiles.

By Kim Tae Heon


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