The Different Managing Ways in Changing Our Lives대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-29 22:10:55

We are now living in the way we have never lived before. Everyone is wearing a mask and does not go out as much as they did. However, before the way how we managed COVID-19, the ways of our life changes. Also, among the affected countries, South Korea is said to be one of the best countries that managed COVID-19.

▲ The COVID-19 diagnosis kit

There are a few important things that helped South Korea to manage COVID-19 well. The first one is early diagnosis. Let us find the things that helped it. A self-guiding letter is sent to people who have smartphones in South Korea. This letter is sent to tell people about the infected people's route. By this letter, they can tell the place where the infected people have gone to. Self-isolation also helped. For example, if you are infected or even if you are not infected but were on the route of the infected person, you should be self-isolated. A screen clinic is a place where you check if you are infected or not. There are lots of screen clinics in each city, so if you think that you are infected, you can visit the closest screen clinic and check if you are infected. The diagnosis kit has played an important role. With this kit, we could check the infected ones very well.

▲ Checking if the person is infected in the screening clinic

The second thing that helped to manage COVID-19 is social distancing. South Korea has made this system to stop COVID-19 from spreading. There are steps of this distancing. Stores and schools and other places should follow the rules of this social distancing. For example, the school's students are divided in terms of grade levels. The social distancing rule decides how many grades can go to school. School schedules and changes the system following the social distancing steps. Also, by following these steps, people should wear masks in order to not get infected.

Let us check about how South Korea helped other countries. South Korea became a great help to other countries. Some people went to other countries to teach the way of managing, and the diagnosis kit has been imported. Everyone is trying hard and hoping for this situation to end. I also really hope COVID-19 ends and everyone can go back to their normal daily lives.

By Yeongu Son


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