Democracy Myanmar대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-09 13:09:49

Myanmar's coup started on the first of February 2021, when the members of the country's ruling party, the National League for Democracy, were deposed by the Myanmar military. The protest against Myanmar's stratocracy has begun ever since the military gained the power of the country, which left hundreds of innocent civilians killed, leaving thousands of Myanmar citizens in agony.

▲ Protest against the military coup in Myanmar

Along with most countries around the world, the South Korean government had taken part in the worldwide sanctions against the Myanmar military. The South Korean government has decided to stop the cooperation in terms of military and public safety and has decided to ban military used items such as flashbangs and tear gas. Moreover, the Korean government has allowed Myanmar citizens in South Korea to stay in South Korea legally until the coup event in Myanmar settles down.

▲ Tear Gas used in Protests in Myanmar

Due to the globalization and usage of internet, the freedom and democracy are becoming more special and unique. Because of this, we need to keep our democracy safe and lead other countries to be more democratic and liberal.


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