Do Not Sleep If You Cannot Sleep대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-13 13:08:24

Sleep is an area that occupies the greatest portion of the body. However, many people have some problems of sleeping called insomnia. Insomnia refers to difficulty in sleeping and sleep-inducing disability that often wakes up while sleeping or wakes up too early. According to a study by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs of 500 adults aged 20 or older in South Korea, 74.3 percent of the respondents said that they had experienced insomnia in the past month.

▲ Insomnia is a sleep disability that often wakes up while sleeping.(

People who have irregular sleeping times and habits suffer from insomnia. The symptoms of insomnia worsen as they undergo environmental changes and psychological stress. People who have a physical disease can suffer from insomnia. Also, you can have insomnia if you take drugs such as stimulants, steroids, and antidepressants. Insomnia causes sleepiness, feeling of fatigue, and loss of motivation, which interferes with daily life and reduces the quality of life.

You need to doubt insomnia if you have difficulty sleeping. It can be diagnosed by a brainwave test, an electrocardiogram test, and electromyography. To prevent insomnia, there are some preventive measures. First, you avoid taking a nap. When you take a nap, you cannot sleep at night, and you will sleep during the day, which is a vicious cycle. Second, you set the amount of time you spend lying in the bed. Third, you use the bad only to sleep. Also, you had better make sure you have a fixed amount of time on weekends and holidays.

▲ To prevent insomnia, there are many preventive measures.(

Like this, insomnia is a disease that we should prevent. Insomnia causes drowsiness and tiredness and interrupts the quality of life. A professor of psychiatry, Lee Won Joon said that eating regularly is a way to prevent insomnia, and you should try to relieve stress.

By Namin Kim


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