Japan‘s Nervous Condition대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:24:03

Are you looking forward to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games? However, people couldn't watch the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games due to COVID-19. It was expected to be held this year instead. However, it seems to be unclear that the Olympics can be started this year. Today, the number of Japan's patient's amount of 1,545. Because of COVID-19, many countries declared to be absent from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Also, Japan has many problems such as the news that they provide radioactive effluent foods to other countries' athletes and their severely increasing number of patients with COVID-19.

▲ the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games logo

The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games was scheduled for 2020. However, due to COVID-19, International Olympics Committee (IOC) decided to postpone the 2020 Tokyo Games and reschedule it for July 23, 2021. So, on March 25, 2021, Japan did the Olympics torch relay without any audience.

Another problem is that Japan government announced that they will provide food from Fukushima prefecture. Fukushima prefecture is where the explosion of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant happened in 2011. So, many countries attending the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games protest against the Japanese Government.

▲ Japanese patient of COVID-19

There is one more problem in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games. In 2019, in the Paralympics Organizing Committee, Japan included Dokdo, which Korean people definitely think of as their territory, in the Japanese territory map. So, Korean Foreign Office and Korean Olympic Committee protested over the map on the website of the Olympics showing Dokdo as Japanese territory. In the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games, Korea included Dokdo in the national flag of United Korea, so International Olympic Committee (IOC) instructed that Korea should omit Dokdo in the national flag of Korea. However, this time, the International Olympics Committee (IOC) kept silent, and Japan also refused to follow Korea's request.

Since there are a number of increasing COVID-19 patients in Japan, it seems possible that the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will be canceled. Also, due to COVID-19 and issues regarding foods with radioactive effluent, many countries are worried about the health of their athletes. It seems that the Japanese Government should decide carefully about this problem.

By Yumin Gwack


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