기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:56:51
  • 수정 2018-02-12 18:05:04

For the past year or so, it was impossible to watch Korean TV shows in China. China virtually banned South Korean Culture and entertainment in protest of Seoul’s decision to set up the Terminal High Attitude Area Defense(THAAD) battery on its soil. Hallyu is encountering its biggest challenge since it first hit the mainland in the early 1990’s. The issue with the THAAD is also souring the relationship between Korea and China. After Seoul’s decision with THAAD and China’s decision to virtually ban Korean contents, the matter of China’s Korean entertainment plagiarism became worse.

Chinese people has plagiarize a lot of Korea’s famous entertainments like “Youn's Restaurant”and “Hyori's B&B”.

In China, some of the plagiarized programs are the highest viewed in the same timeline. Korea tried to have conversations with China, but because of the ban, they cannot even make a conversation as they are not talking. Because of the conflict between the two countries, Chinese people think it is‘okay’to plagiarize, not buy formats of the famous Korean shows. In Korea’s side, the loss has been heavy. Currently, the issue with the plagiarism is a hot issue among Chinese netizens as they recognize the programs being plagiarized themselves as well.

Although China has virtually banned Korean contents, Hallyu proved to be strong for them to knock it down.

In the music industry Korean artists such as G-Dragon, EXO and EXID are among the top ranks. In Chinese Internet sites, even though the Chinese government tried to stop them, Korean dramas such as “Guardian: The Lonely and The Great God”, “Descendants of The Sun”, “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” and "W- Two Worlds" are viewed the most among many other contents.


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