The Last Prince of Korea, Yi Gu대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-31 11:54:38
  • 수정 2018-02-12 18:02:41

▲ Picture of Yi Gu and his wife, Julia,`s Wedding

In 2005, the Last price of Korea, Yi Gu, died because of a heart attack. In his funeral, there was an American Woman from a distance who cried. Who is she? She was Yi Gu's former wife, Julia Mullock. Yi Gu had a heartbreaking story of love with her.

In 1931, December 29, Yi Gu was born in Japan when Korea was a colony of Japan. At long last, he studied in Japan High School, when Korea became independent from Japan. He went to Korea; however, the president of Korea, Yi Syungman, did not allow him to come. He was so confused because Korea and Japan did not allow him to live in their countries. So, he went to America to learn architecture. He learned at MIT College of Engineering, and he worked at a Chinese-American construction design company.

▲ Yi Gu and his wife

When Yi GU worked at a construction design company, he met a colleague at work. She was Julia Mullock. She was eight years older than him, and she was a Ukrainian-American. Then, they fell in love with each other. Finally, they were married in 1958. They lived in the Korean palace, Changdeok Palace. Yi Gu went to Japan many times to attend lectures in architecture and bankruptcy. The happy moments they had were not long because of Yi Gu's family. His family did not like him to marry with a Ukrainian-American, and then they forced to divorce them because Julia could not have a baby. So, in 1983, they were divorced. Then, Yi Gu went to Japan and did a lecture. However, his happiness was not long because of business. He lived a poor life. In 2005, July 16, he died because of a heart attack in a hotel where he born.

After Yi Gu died, in Korea, he had a funeral. Many people went to his funeral. However, his former wife was not invited because of his family's reputation. So, they were not able to meet at their last moment. This is a very heartbreaking story of love in Korea.

▲ After Yi Gu`s funeral

Jan 14th, By Sebin Hwang


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