Movement of Continental Plates대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-02-22 17:56:38

On Jan 23, Philippine Mayon volcano started erupting. According to Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, the lava flowed 2 kilometers from Mayon Mountain. Magma and volcanic ash were emitted on a large scale, so 75000 people needed to evacuate Mount Mayon is located at the southeast of Manila. Mount Mayon is an active volcano. This volcano erupted more than fifty times already. Then why does a volcano erupt?

▲ Mayon volcano

On Earth, there are 16 continental plates which are moving. They collide and split, so earthquake and volcanic eruption occur. Almost all volcanoes erupt in a volcanic zone. A volcanic zone is formed between continental plates. There is magma under the ground. If continental plates clash and split, magma will flow out. Then, this is the volcanic eruption. Among the volcanic zones, the most famous volcanic zone is fire ring. The fire ring is the ring shape volcanic zone and seismic zone. The 75 percent of active volcanoes and dormant volcanoes in the world is located at the fire ring. Also, 80 ~ 90 percent of the earthquake in the world appears from the fire ring.

▲ Volcano Eruption

Volcanic eruption can kill many people. Many people are burned to death due to the flowing lava or crushed to death due to pyroclastic materials. Then, a number of volcanic ash can attack crops, stocks, and dwellings. Also, the damage of landslide is amazing. Volcanic eruption influences not only humans but also the environment. It also gives impact to climate. The change of 1~2℃ does not give direct damage to humans, but it can destroy the ecosystem. For example, on Nov.13,1985, in Colombia, Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted. It emitted volcanic ash and smoke up to 7890 meters. About 50000 people died because of that volcanic eruption.

▲ Volcano Eruption

Volcanic eruption and earthquake are the natural disasters which people cannot control. Their cause is the continental plates' movement. These natural disasters cannot be prevented, but we should try to reduce the damage from them. The volcanic eruption also has advantages like geothermal power generation, so we must use it.


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