People Write a Diary by Hand 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-02-22 18:10:45

▲ The craze for diaries is strongest at the end of the year.

New year has started, so people are reestablishing a fresh determination and making their own new plan. A typical example is that they start to use a diary. The craze for diaries is strongest at the end of the year. For this demand, not only more than 40 stationery companies but also many brands launch their diary. On those days, bookstores install special corners to showcase planners.

Koreans prefer to use old-fashioned diaries for writing by hand although they can manage more easily using electronic equipment by the progress of new skills. Why do Koreans still stick to old-fashioned diaries? It seems that it is because they can make up their own table themselves and make the design they want.

▲ Decorating styles differ from person to person.

One Instagram user who updates her diary photographs daily said that it would be easier to keep a diary log using a digital application. However, she still uses her analog diary as he can fill the blank sheet whatever way she wants. She loves that feeling, writing the memories and records of the day with her hand. Buying a new diary is one of the most important annual events for her.

Decorating styles differ from person to person, but almost all focus on calligraphies, drawing, and colorful using.

▲ ˝Bullet journals˝

Recently, "bullet journals" which can arrange daily schedule by simple mark on the note has emerged. The "bullet" is computer language that means graphic letter toward text for drawing attention. One student said that bullet journal is a perfect way to plan schedules and track down tasks. He used to write the first page of a monthly planner every January and gave up on using it after a few months. Unlike the printed diary books, he can customize the space designs, spare more pages according to need and make the tasks look organized with the symbols he invented.

In conclusion, some companies try to make various types of dairy, featuring a mix of analog and digital tendency. For example, high-tech paper notebook secures the user's privacy with a biometric fingerprint sensor on its side. However, preference of analog diary still has not declined. Koreans still stick to write by hand.


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