Rare Super Blood Blue Moon See on January 31st대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
Rare Super Blood Blue Moon See on January 31st - The combination of three rare events-blue moon, blood moon and super moon-happened on January 31st. - This cosmic event was seen in many places around the world. - In South Korea, unfortunately, most places were not able to see the moon due to bad weather.
  • 기사등록 2018-02-22 18:21:41
The combination of three unusual cosmic events happened on January 31st. This was a combination of the super moon, blue moon, and total lunar eclipse. It was seen in parts of Western North America, Asia, Middle East, Europe, Australia and Russia. In South Korea, many people failed to see this event because of the bad weather.

▲ NASA named this event, Super Blue Blood Moon

This rare super blood blue moon is composed of three cosmic events. First, blue moon means second full moon in a month appeared. It happens every two years and eight months. Second, super moon means that the moon is closest to Earth. In this, the moon was twenty thousand kilometers closer to earth than its average distance. Because of this, to the point, called perigee, makes the moon appear fourteen percent larger and thirty percent brighter. Third, total lunar eclipse happens when the moon glides into Earth's shadow. When this happens, the moon turns to orange or red color because of sunlight.

▲ Super Blood Blue Moon on New York

"We have had a lot of supermoons and lunar eclipses, but it is rare that it also happens to be a blue moon", said Jason Aufdenberg, associate professor of astronomy at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. According to Sky and Telescope magazine, the last time a complete lunar eclipse on the second full moon of the month was on December 30th, 1982. Moreover, the last "super blood blue moon" appeared on March 31st, 1866. The next lunar eclipse on supermoon will happen in January 21st, 2019. The next super blood blue moon will appear on January 31st, 2037. These numbers show that the event is really a rare one.

In South Korea, many planetariums all over the country planned to attract people to this event. However, unfortunately, this rare event was only visible in northern areas like Seoul and Gangwon-do. In southern cities like Busan and Ulsan, people failed to see it because of the bad weather. South Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institue in Daejon planned to broadcast it on facebook, but the moon was not able to be seen due to the clouds. In the US, NASA broadcasted super blood blue moon through youtube.


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